Monday, August 25, 2014

Robocraft Robos Walkthrough

Hey Everyone! Garens writing again, since I'm alone.
Today I thought I'd walk you through my garage, and show all my robos to you.
This process was not that hard to do, but hard to capture. Btw, if you want to play Robocraft, you can click here and register (Will open in a new window). It's not that big, about 250 Mb and it is a lot of fun as far as I can tell. Disclaimer: I play this game as a Free To Play, as there is no money anywhere near me, so just a heads up, because you may choose to play it as not a free to play. Anyway, let's do this.

First off I wanna tell you how much trouble I went through to bring you these screenshots. The game has no screenshot capturing implemented, so I found this method on an official forum thread (Btw they are amazing, go check the forums, they are the best place for a robocraft nerd...) And I wanted to tell you in case you want to do some leet screenshots of your own to brag to your frineds how great of a builder you are. So, what you do (if you don't have Steam, like me) you go to your game menu, and enable windowed mode. Now, mine was bigger then my screen resolution, so this is no problem, if you have the same, but you'll have to: Go to MS Paint, and Ctrl+V the image you just took. There you can crop it, you can edit it however you may want to. Then you save it SOMEWHERE WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT! I've lost maybe 3-4 of these when finally I realized my mistake. Just pointing it out. So, the garage.

In my First Garage Slot, there is The Leopard Mk. II. I'll tell you the story later.

This beast is currently on Tier 5, as you can see. This is the robo I used since the beginnings and is my favourite one yet.

This is a shot from the front. The robo has 6 Tier 4 SMG's as I currently don't have money to upgrage to tier 5's or 6's.

You can see the money problem here, on this shot. I have tier 4 armor all the way to the back (Where it's mostly needed for reasons you'll understand in the next shot) and just to cover the area, where the tier 2(3) armor is, I'd have needed 28610 RP. Now, you know there is a point where you know you've built a huge robo when this is the price you have to pay for armoring your thing.

There is the reason I'd have needed more armor on the back. There are 3 Thrusters on the back of the thing, just to give it some speed. The middle one is Tier 4 and the two side ones are Tier 3. It gives this thing speed and it enables it to climb walls easier.

So, some writing after those beautiful pictures. The wheels are what pushed me up to tier 5 and I don't really have much researched from the Tier 5 stuff. I mainly focused on the flying part as I saw that Aerofoils and Rudders are researchable. I have those, and now I'm working my way towards the Thrusters, then the weapons and maybe the new Radar.

The history of this robo is interesting in my opinion, so I'll share it with you. This is a modified (HUGELY) version of the starting robo they give you. If you play robocraft, then you know which one I mean, and if you don't, then go play it. I gave the starting robo a makeover, gave it a roof and some more weapons. This I did until tier 4, where I've decided that I want a redesign. This is what came out. I'm very happy with it and served me well, except against Plasma users, who can blast through the back and take away all 3 Thrusters and some wheels to make me immobile (almost).

So, the next garage slot hides my newly found beauty. This is a Work In Progress machine and I'd want you to treat it like one.

This is The Hurricane Mk. I. This is just a WIP shot, and I dont want to bore you with incomplete robos, because they are not fun, but keep and eye out, as I will post the progress of this thing here.
I started this yesterday, as me and my friend, who I got to play robocraft, went to see the premium shop. And there I found it.

Now, I don't know if this is violating some rules, but hey...
So I've found this yesterday and decided to build it. You can see the HUGE difference between the two. I'm working on that. Saying that I'll work on it whenever I finish writing this article or whatever.
The only thing I'll change is that it won't have the Electroplates on the front and maybe it won't have plasmas, but SMG's. That is a question I'll answer whenever I'm finished with the body.

I'm planning on doing a 'How To Build Your Robo' article soon enough, maybe this week, maybe next week. I'll see what I can come up with for it.

So, this was the second garage slot, now to the last one. (As I've said, I play Robocraft as a Free-To-Play game, you may not want to, then you can have more garage slots)

And here it is:

The Crusader Mk. III. The story of that Later. Now on the actual robo.

I built this when my formerly mentioned friend started playing and I wanted to show him how OP plasmas were. So I did this monstrosity. This has Tier 1 armor, Tier 1 Driving Wheels all the way, which makes it a bit nippy when it comes to turning. You don't want this, believe me.

The fact that I made this for Tier 1 and succeeded still surprises me to this day. And the best part is, when I put another Tier 3 Plasma on it (Which it already has) then it becomes Tier 2. This would have been fine and dandy if my friend wasn't so into the game that he skipped tier 2 and 3 in one night, leaving me with nothing that I could have played with him except my Leopard.

I've done this shot only for 1 reason: To say that if you think (like my friend) that this is like a turtle, then you may want to see a specialist. (JK)

So, the story of this one. This is Mk. III, because this is it's third redesign. It was originally meant to be a heavy attack robo, but I changed my mind during Mk. II and destroyed the whole thing. It looked a bit like this, a lot taller and had a block thick shield on the front. Then my friend announced that he wanted to play. When I showed him the game, I've already made the Mk. III version, as I knew he would enjoy the game. But before that I gave this thing a test run. Nothing to say except: 8 Kills. With 1 Plasma. I think I was a bit disappointed with humanity. YOU CAN JUST SHOOT OFF THE FREAKIN' PLASMA WITH 2 OR 3 SHOTS PEOPLE! PLEASE! USE YOUR BRAINS!

Sorry, I don't know what caused that caps error but it is fine. So, this is my garage tour. I hope you enjoyed and if you did, please remember to comment, or do whatever you want to. Every social page is under construction, so you cannot follow me anywhere. Just follow by e-mail and you'll get one whenever I post something new.

Now, I'm going to build that copy flyer and grind the money for the armor and wings and all that. Hopefully there'll be a post the day after Tomorrow. Cya then!

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